Monday, October 1, 2012

Quick and easy salad dressing

I LOVE salad, and I also LOVE a good salad dressing. Since oil and dairy are out on Eat to Live (along with salt and sugar), we nutritarians have to rely on making our own dressings to flavor up the salads.

A great way to do that is typically just a flavored vinegar, or white or dark balsamic vinegar (lemon and lime juice also).

But, if you want even  more flavor and substance, my absolute favorite dressing to make is to take already-prepared hummus and mix it with balsamic vinegar until it's at a consistency I like. Sometimes I want a thicker dressing. Other times, I want something thinner.

When I want a vinaigrette-type dressing, I take the balsamic vinegar, about 1/8 c., toss in a clove of garlic (chopped), 1 Tbsp. chia seeds and 3 Tbsp. water. I let it sit overnight, then deal with any consistency issues before I use it on my salad.

Dressings don't have to be complicated, and they don't have to be filled with oil, dairy, salt, sugar, etc.

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