Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Does a plant-based diet reverse diabetes?

"It may seem like a vegan diet is just too difficult to start and sustain. 'Diabetes is difficult,' says Barnard. 'Yes, people may think eating a vegan diet sounds hard–but ending up on dialysis and going blind is what is hard.' " -- Care2 story

[caption id="attachment_580" align="alignleft" width="198"] Photo courtesy of Ambro at[/caption]

Many many of the doctors and researchers into nutrition as healthcare believe so. And they have documented cases of patients who have reversed their diabetes by shunning the Standard American Diet (SAD) and meat.

Care2 recently had a story of a woman who reversed her diabetes and Dr. Fuhrman has a book coming out in December that addresses the use of a plant-based diet to reverse diabetes.

I don't have diabetes, thankfully. I have had relatives who had it. One relative in particular was incredibly aggravating about how she chose to take the advice of her doctors and diabetes educators. Other diabetics I've known have been frustrated by the advice of their doctors and diabetes educators, especially after they've gone plant-based and gotten off their medications.

[caption id="attachment_581" align="alignright" width="199"]Or this? Photo courtesy of artemisphoto at[/caption]

I know many many many people reiterate over and over again that you can't get enough protein on a plant-based diet and that's just not true. You get all the protein you need on a plant-based diet, and you don't have to count or measure.

I know it's not for everyone, but since it's vegetarian awareness month, I'm just trying to provide resource options for those who are interested in plant-based eating.

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