Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Have you thought about going plant-based?

[caption id="attachment_523" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Photo by vanillaechoes at[/caption]

Monday was World Vegetarian Day, which kicked of vegetarian awareness month. Unlike some causes that are raised in October, I can actually get behind raising awareness for this cause. I think we are all already quite aware of what wearing pink means.

But, I digress. It was a coincidence, I'm sure, that a co-worker brought me the Sept. 24 lifestyle section from the New York Times, which featured a piece on how vegan eating is becoming mainstream in, where else, California. This made me smile because I currently have thoughts of California swirling in my head, specifically, the San Diego area.

To celebrate this month of awareness raising, the North American Vegetarian Society has a contest going. Convince your non-veg friends to give up meat for the month and pledge to do so at the WVD website and they'll be entered into a drawing for up to $1,000.

So, if you've thought about it, what better time than the month set aside to raise awareness for plant-based eating (and maybe win some cash).

I'm going to try, this month, to focus on veg friendly resources for anyone interested in learning more.

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