The original posting page was Sunshine's Journey to 199. She got it from Swim Bike Mom, where it was originally posted.
I couldn't find it at its original location and don't know if it was Swim Bike Mom's Facebook page or her website, so I've copied it from Sunshine's Journey. Here is what Sunshine posted:
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"And if this picture isn't enough to inspire you, then maybe the words from the woman in it will. Here is the reply from Jackie herself (pictured) in response to all the Facebook comments (some positive, others negative) when this very same photo was shared on the Swim Bike Mom page – just had to share.
"Thank you Swim Bike Mom for posting this [picture of me.] I am humbled and proud to be an inspiration and actually quite appalled at how some of the posters are treating this. I used to weigh 415 lbs. [and] walking to the mailbox was a struggle. Some people don’t just 'let themselves go' …[they] have actual medical issues that prevent normal every day activities. Say what you will but I got off my ass and did it.
And I consistently do it. I do it for me, not you …and I inspire and amaze myself every day at how far I am able to push my body mentally [and] physically. I feel bad for people who can’t look at any picture of ANY athlete and not be inspired.
Honestly, hearing how this photo has inspired folks, I hope it goes viral! I want everyone to know that it IS ok to be any size and still compete. I am comfortable enough with myself to truly appreciate any praise I get from athletes who [have] finished while I’m still out there encouraging me. Triathlons are truly the only sport I have ever been involved in where people genuinely care about others…I am proud of myself, my unbelievably supportive teammates at the Atlanta Triathlon Club and those online like Swim Bike Mom who takes this for what it is. Inspiration for anyone to get out there and do it. If I can inspire just one person, then I have fulfilled my purpose.
I don’t hear [the] negativity, only the passion I have in my head and heart to achieve anything I set my mind to. I would encourage anyone to watch my progress as I train for the Half Ironman in Augusta on September 30th. Many people half my size wouldn’t even dream of trying to even enter such an event. But I'M DOING IT! First, last, dnf, at least I started and will continue to follow my dreams…. FOR ME.
I hope that all of us encourage others to be their best and are proud that ANYONE attempts these activities. If you can’t applaud every athlete, especially those of us who it takes twice as long to finish and twice as much effort to move twice as much weight across the line, then I feel sad for you that you can’t appreciate the beauty in life and everyone’s journey. FYI the day after this race, I swam the Ridges 5k open water swim from GA to NC… so anything is possible if you put your mind to it!!! I wish all of you good luck and hope to hear about all of your successes (and not so successes on your journeys) as well!!! -Love, Jackie"
I don't know you Jackie, but I admire you. As an aspiring runner, all I can say is you go! I am appalled by the behavior of human beings toward one another. A while back, a friend on Facebook commented on the status of a friend of hers. Because of FB's wonderful settings, I was able to see the original post. The original poster posted a status about some jackass who saw her running and said something to the effect of "Run fat ass, run" as he drove by her. I don't know the original poster but it made me think of another blog post I'd seen.
It takes a great deal of courage, and energy, for someone carrying extra weight to drag themselves out there and get it done. They should be encouraged and applauded, not made fun of and despised.
After I shared this photo on Facebook, another friend shared it from my page and she shared it with this perfectly appropriate quote by Teddy Roosevelt:
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
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